Understanding dbt fundamentals I finally have a reason to learn dbt properly. Here is my summary of the dbt Fundamentals course.
Let the dataset change your mindset I'm currently doing the Google Data Analytics course on Coursera because of a recent itch to learn how to be more proficient in querying data to answer business questions at work. I was going through the data visualisation segment of the course and decided to search YouTube for
Tesla: As good as they are made out to be My honest review after 2 weeks of owning a new Tesla Model Y Long Range.
Paying for my own work tools Your employer should pay for the tools that you need to use to get your job done, right? Right?? Well, let me ask you a different question: A car should let you cross at the zebra-crossing, since pedestrians have the right of way in those situations in all cities, right?
How to write tests during live coding interviews This post is for anyone who is wondering what might be a good approach to writing tests during a software engineering live coding interview. Companies assess different things during the live coding stage of an interview process. Some will want you to have an efficient algorithm, others will want you
Quicksort explained Quicksort – stylised as a single word for some reason unknown to me – is a practical sorting algorithm that is often used in production code because it is very efficient for a sorting algorithm. To give you an idea of how complicated this is, I spent about 45 minutes reading the
No more mechanical keyboards for me I had unthinkingly been buying and using mechanical keyboards to signal something else. I admit that it is time to stop it.
Be the person everyone wants to teach I've consciously taken a new approach to learning to do my job, and it's by doing one simple thing very deliberately - always teach what I learn