Nick Ang profile picture

Nick Ang

What I'm doing now

Trying my best to be a good parent & partner

Our first child, Charlotte, was born in the winter of 2021. My wife and I are trying our best to be there for her without being there too much for her - it's a fine balance! But I know the fundamental principle is easy: be attentive and present for as much of her childhood as possible. Who doesn't want their parents' undivided attention on demand?

The other part of being a parent is being a partner. Mothers give a lot more than fathers and I try every single day to balance the workload

Learning something 5x weekly

Motivated by my new job as a senior developer at Shopify, I recently started a new blog called LearnDaily to share my learning notes (about web development like Ruby, Rails, GraphQL, React, but also about learning itself and other things related to working as a developer) publicly. It's a forcing function for me to keep learning daily, or in my case, 5x weekly, because I prefer to spend my weekends relaxing with family.

Living in Germany

My wife, dog, and I moved from Singapore to Germany in the winter of 2019. We love being in a vast country that is connected to many others because of the access to mountains, national parks and lakes, but also to an overall sense of novelty and self discovery. I'm writing an observation note every year (see: 2020 and 2021).

Page last updated: 31.01.2022